Exultate Singers returns to St James’ Church, Taunton to give a concert for Music on the Quantocks under the direction of conductor David Ogden. The programme includes music from across the centuries and around Europe including works from the Netherlands, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Iceland and the UK.
Tickets are available by email from quantocks@live.co.uk.
Andrea Gabrieli Sancta et immaculata virginitas
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Gaudete omnes
William Byrd Vigilate
Bob Chilcott When Spring comes walking
Boris Ord Adam lay y bounden
Elizabeth Poston Jesus Christ the apple tree
Ian Carpenter The angel Gabriel
Jussi Chydenius Autumn
Hans Leo Hassler Angelus ad pastores ait
Bob Chilcott Spanish lullaby
Edmund Bairstow Let all mortal flesh keep silence
James MacMillan O radiant dawn
Tiburtio Massaino Hodie Salvator mundi natus est
Pärt Uusberg Muusika
Ivan Hrusovsky Rytmus
Ralph Vaughan Williams The truth from above
Thorkell Sigurbjörnsson Heyr, himna smiður
William Byrd Lulla, lullaby
Robert Pearsall A Christmas garland